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Vulnerability Definition

Determining whether an issue qualifies as a security vulnerability requiring special handling or if it’s merely a bug involves a nuanced evaluation process. Here’s how a library maintainer can make this determination:

  1. Understanding Security Vulnerabilities: The maintainer should have a clear understanding of what constitutes a security vulnerability. Common examples include authentication bypass, injection attacks, sensitive data exposure, and denial-of-service vulnerabilities. Familiarity with common security issues helps in identifying potential vulnerabilities more accurately.

  2. Assessing Impact: The maintainer should assess the potential impact of the reported issue on the library’s users and systems. Questions to consider include:
    • Could this issue lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data?
    • Does it have the potential to compromise system integrity or availability?
    • Can it be exploited to execute arbitrary code or perform actions beyond the user’s privileges?
  3. Reviewing Context and Scope: Understanding the context in which the issue occurs and its scope is crucial. The maintainer should consider factors such as:
    • Whether the issue affects a critical component of the library or its core functionality.
    • If the issue has broader implications beyond the immediate codebase, such as affecting dependent applications or integrations.
    • Whether the issue is specific to certain configurations, environments, or usage patterns.
  4. Examining Attack Vectors: Evaluating the potential attack vectors associated with the reported issue provides insight into its severity. Maintainers should consider:
    • How easily an attacker can exploit the issue, including prerequisites and required access levels.
    • Whether the issue can be exploited remotely or requires local access.
    • If exploitation requires user interaction or can be automated.
  5. Considering Mitigation Complexity: Assessing the complexity of mitigating the issue helps determine the level of urgency and special handling required. Factors to consider include:
    • Whether a straightforward fix or workaround is available.
    • If addressing the issue involves significant code changes or architectural modifications.
    • Whether mitigating the issue requires coordination with upstream dependencies or third-party components.
  6. Consulting Security Experts: In complex cases or when uncertain, seeking advice from security experts or the broader community can provide valuable insights. Security professionals can offer guidance on threat modeling, risk assessment, and appropriate mitigation strategies.

    The ErlEF Security Working Group ( offers to connect individuals with experts who can assist in coordinating and disclosing vulnerabilities within the BEAM ecosystem. While the WG does not handle direct disclosures, it helps to facilitate communication with experienced professionals in security vulnerability management.

By carefully considering these factors, a library maintainer can make informed decisions about whether a reported issue constitutes a security vulnerability that necessitates special handling or is a benign bug requiring routine bug-fix procedures. This discernment ensures that critical security issues receive the attention and prioritization they deserve, ultimately enhancing the overall security posture of the library and its users.

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