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Spawning external executables




Sometimes it may be necessary to spawn an external executable to complete a task. Often command line arguments must be passed to the external program to customize its behaviour. When some of these arguments are based on untrusted input, an injection vulnerability may allow malicious users to execute arbitrary commands or exfiltrate data from the host filesystem or environment variables.

The os:cmd/1,2 function in the Erlang/OTP standard library takes a single argument containing both the name of the executable and any command line arguments. An operating system shell is spawned to parse the command and locate the executable. This makes it particularly difficult to protect against command injection, requiring careful filtering and escaping of untrusted input prior to inclusion in the command.

It is safer to use open_port/2 with {spawn_executable, FileName}, which takes the command line arguments as a list, through the {args, Args} option. The arguments are passed to the executable as-is, without environment variable expansion or other processing, neutralizing injection attacks.

The input/output behaviour of a Port is different from os:cmd/1,2, however, so open_port/2 is not a drop-in replacement. Also note that the {spawn_executable, FileName} form requires specifying the full path to the executable, so it may be necessary to call os:find_executable/1,2 first.

The System.cmd/2,3 function in the Elixir standard library is a wrapper around open_port/2 rather than :os.cmd/1,2, using the safer approach of passing command line arguments as a list. Unless an absolute path is passed as the executable, the executable is located automatically using :os.find_executable/1.

Using a shell (such as “/bin/sh”) as the executable and passing the command using the shell’s “-c” argument defeats the benefits of open_port/2 in terms of command injection protection.


On most platforms the spawned process will inherit the environment from the BEAM process, which may include sensitive information. For example, when using an environment variable to pass database credentials to the BEAM application, make sure that variable is cleared in the call to open_port/2 or System.cmd/2,3, to minimize the risk of the password leaking through vulnerabilities, core dumps or unanticipated behaviour of the executable:

%% Erlang
open_port({spawn_executable, "/usr/bin/env"}, [{env, [{"DB_PASSWORD", false}]}])
# Elixir
System.cmd("env", [], env: %{"DB_PASSWORD" => nil})
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